Happy New Year friends!
2023 went out with a bang between the final Mercury retrograde of the year, perhaps lending to a few heated debates, a sentimental Full Moon in Cancer, and Jupiter’s direct station in Taurus! If you’re still feeling a bit discombobulated from December, fear not because January’s astrology arrives to set us straight and get us focused on what we’re looking to build over the next 12 months!
First - and very thankfully - Mercury, the celestial messenger who governs communication, thoughts, reason, and logic, will be giving us all a New Year's gift when it stations direct on January 1st. Mercury has been in its retrograde business since December 13th, 2023, where it has been aiding us (with a few hiccups along the way) to reverse engineer the results of our mental efforts by trekking backwards through the signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius. Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve gotten plenty of opportunities to rethink our thought systems, restructure our communication, and reorganize our plans for success and achievement. Maybe you have been reviewing your business model, or perhaps you’ve been trying to finetune your schedule, regardless of how the Mercury retrograde first showed up, odds are pretty good that at some point you may have had to go back and tie up loose ends around your principles, ethics, or beliefs that will help you sort out and clarify with greater understanding the precise steps that will help you achieve order.
With Mercury stationing direct, we can take a deep sigh of relief and know that now is the time to integrate our fresh wisdom, theories, and truths with a renewed sense of both wonder and discipline. There may have been points in this Mercury retrograde that sprinkled spice into your internal or external interactions, be that through heated debate, passionate claims of conviction, or exciting and lively conversations, and if that’s the case, with Mercury direct once more the purpose of such challenges to your thoughts will become clear soon. Just remember, part of pursuing growth is allowing your mind to expand to encompass new perspectives. If you found yourself fighting out of confusion, with Mercury direct and soon to head back to Capricorn, more practical routes to reconciliation are readily available to us all now.
Also on January 1st, Venus, Lady of Love and Pleasure, who is ready to explore in Sagittarius, will move to make a tough square with Saturn, CEO of Boundaries, currently floating through Pisces. This energy may have us feeling a bit of a collective hangover, as this celestial configuration tends to point toward temporary blocks of comfort, denials of connection, and perhaps a hit to our resources. Luckily this energy only lingers for a few days, however we may feel our attempts at relating to each other may be thwarted by doubt or confusion, or find it difficult to engage with others out of a fear of rejection. On the plus side, this aspect can help to deepen relationships by offering a chance to work out challenges through cooperation and open negotiation. There may even be some lessons about balancing pleasure, fun, and freedom with responsibility, obligations, and duties. But just know if New Year's Day feels a little wonky, you’re in good company!
A few days later, on January 4th, Mars, the Cosmic Warrior, brings its fighting spirit to the goal and success oriented sector of Capricorn. I love this energy to help usher in the New Year, because when Mars is in Capricorn, the general direction of our energy and action trends toward productivity, discipline, and order. Not too bad for shaking off the Holiday rust and helping us to initiate and get going with our plans for the New Year. While Mars is in Capricorn, we’re likely to take our goals seriously, feeling the impulse to take practical steps and work within our limits. The drive to begin new projects with long term results will be heightened for a while, just make sure you’re not burning the candle at both ends in an attempt to immediately satisfy your efforts. One solid step at a time will help take you to the top!
Our first lunation of the year occurs on January 11th, when the Sun and the Moon come together to give us the New Moon in Capricorn. The Capricorn parts of our charts are relatively stacked for this lunation, pumping up the power to set intentions for the coming months with a sense of responsibility, order, and realism. This is a great lunation for planning, organizing, and getting serious about the emotional frameworks you want to display as you enter into 2024. Since the New Moon is happening in a supportive trine to Uranus, there is a “breath of fresh air” that can provide us with new frameworks that can revolutionize our relationship to care and creation. This New Moon puts us in touch with our CEO, asking us to consider the path to success and how we intend to realistically harness our instincts as we work to innovate order in our lives. If setting intentions for healthy emotional boundaries is part of your resolutions for this year, there’s no better lunation to help you get firm with your care, and refresh your perspective on what emotional perseverance can help you achieve.
On the same day Mars in Capricorn will make a harmonious trine to Jupiter in Taurus, even further elevating the sense of enterprise and possibility. This is a lovely energy to have accompanying the New Moon, as it bakes in a sense of steady, stable, reliable opportunities for directed action to help move us toward our goals with grounded optimism and faith. This may look like a focused determination to make big moves or initiate projects that just make sense for the long term, big picture impact you’re looking to plant! One thing if for certain, this is a very powerful lunation for embarking on a consistent journey to set the big plans in motion.
Just a few days later, on January 14th, Mercury catches up to the Sun and Mars in Capricorn and helps to reorient our minds and communications back to achievement once more. Remember, Mercury will still be going over already covered ground, so don’t be surprised if you're spending a bit of time problem solving or reconstructing any details that may have unraveled over the last several weeks. Communications may take on a more serious tone, our thinking may become a bit more black and white, asking “what works and what doesn’t” will be a cornerstone of the next few weeks. While Mercury ascends the summits of Capricorn, there’s no denying that the topics we’re paying attention to will revolve around responsibility and control. Pay attention to how you manage your thoughts, how you structure information, and the impact of the messages you’re sending. With a stacked Capricorn house for the next week or so, it’s a great time to remember that you’re the authority callin’ the shots in your life.
January 19th lands us with a double whammy of intense influences. First Venus, who has been painting our connections and engagements with broad, adventurous strokes in Sagittarius, will make a square to Neptune in Pisces, a player well known to blur lines, distort reality, and send us spinning off into fantasy land. This type of relationship between the planets can send a rift between our needs for comfort and closeness and our ability to see things for what they really are. It could be easy and tempting to cloak ourselves in illusion to avoid discomfort in an attempt to keep up some sort of facade for the sake of balance. This signature gives a caution to keep in mind: if certain beliefs or ideas about relationships or resources seem too good to be true, they very well may be. On the plus side, this energy can be an extremely potent source of untethered creativity, inspiring a deep quest for the beauty that truth can bring. Directing this flow toward sanctioned spaces of creative struggle can yield otherworldly results.
Now remember, this energy (and honestly no energy) is happening in a vacuum. At the same time that we're being dazzled by the mystifying allure of promising connections, the Sun will be conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn, the last time we’ll see this configuration for a couple centuries. This energy is trademarked for revealing hidden things, be they power dynamics, secrets, or shadows. Our fears may somehow become illuminated, asking us to confront on a deep or intense level how to transform the systems of power that map out our lives. This can be a deep or intensive moment of self (or collective) awareness regarding the long term plan to heal our relationship with power, control, and authority in our lives. Coming face to face with our own shadows, fears, corruptions, and manipulations is essential in purging and purifying the way to truth and renewal.
When you put both those energies together, there’s no denying that at least on a collective level, there’s good cause to stay alert, aware, and connected to deep motives for exposure and power that make up what we may see on the surface of a situation. It may be worth it to remember that what crops up around January 19th may have an irresistible, even magnetic charm to it, but that eventually the spell will wear off and what’s left behind may not be as inspiring as it promised to be. Using this energy to deeply explore the power of expressing the shadow in safe, organized ways would be encouraged during this time. This is powerful stuff for self reflection, just be very mindful there’s more than meets the eye going on.
The very next day we have one of the most anticipated astrological movements of the year. Right after its cazimi (aka conjunction with the Sun), Pluto will be making a massive move into Aquarius. Now, while this isn’t Pluto’s first step into Aquarius in the last year, this move will give us a much better taste of what’s to come with this major transit. The reason this is such a big deal is because Pluto spends a long time in whatever sign it occupies, and Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years. Pluto is a planet that seeks to expose, eliminate, transform, heal, and purify. Pretty tall orders for a pretty small planet, however that doesn’t stop Pluto from turning things inside out wherever it goes. Pluto’s ultimate goal is to regenerate and evolve, and it does this through confronting fears, shadows, and wounds. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, calling the systems of power that we structure and measure success into question, forcing corruption, manipulations, and subversive abuses of authority and control into view.
Now, on January 20th, Pluto departs Capricorn and heads into the cold and distant space of Aquarius, where it will remain until September, when it retrogrades back to Capricorn for a final farewell, before returning once more to Aquarius in November. Again, I emphasize - this is big news. Pluto will now turn its prying eyes to matters that pertain to technology and innovation, collectivism and community, and likely social reform and revolution. Pluto’s changes may be extreme but they intensify over long periods of time, so this is just the beginning of some potentially radical changes in society, technology (looking at you A.I.), and humanitarianism. Over the next couple of decades Pluto will take us deep into the underbelly of reform, revolution, and innovation. I expect that there will be many penetrating and transformative awakenings or perspectives that may shock existing power dynamics to emerge in coming months and years.
While we could speculate endlessly on what this long term transit may bring, let’s bring it back to focus now. Not only does January 20th mark the changing of collective power trends, it also kicks off Aquarius season as the Sun moves into the laboratory of the Mad Scientist. Aquarius is an energy that sees things different, approaches the world with a holistic perspective, and is relentless in its pursuit for change. Since the Sun and Pluto are both entering Aquarius hand in hand, it really amplifies the will for change, reform, or fresh perspectives. It’s almost as if there’s a laser pointing at our collective awareness, demanding we break from the chains of tradition and convention. The time for innovation, forward thinking, and new perspectives is here. While the Sun is moving through Aquarius allow yourself to be open to new ways of thinking, perhaps even seeking out communities or groups who’s causes you’d like to help advance. Keep your eyes peeled for patterns and your Notes app handy, because strange insights or big breakthroughs could strike at a moment’s notice!
Another shift happens on January 23rd, when Venus finally catches up to Mars and Mercury in Capricorn. She’s been spending month’s trailing behind the other personal planets, essentially working to clean up their messes the best she could. Venus’s move into Capricorn signals a few weeks where our contacts and engagements may take on a more serious tone. Think of it like, we’re getting down to business within all our relationships. Be mindful that Capricorn loves to be an authority, and with Venus there, we get to balance how we manage the important attachments in our lives. Venus in Capricorn is great for securing boundaries, rules, and order when around expectations in relationships, or even with resources. It’s a budget friendly time - if not perhaps even a little frugal - which could be beneficial in balancing out the bank account to work toward those big goals. However, while Venus is in Capricorn, we may find ourselves a bit more reserved in our affections, perhaps too focused on the usefulness of contacts rather than the connective tissue that binds us together. Don’t be too hard on yourself or others during this time, and find ways to find beauty in the building process.
Our second lunation of the month arrives on January 25th, the Full Moon in Leo, featuring a fresh on the scene opposition from Pluto. That’s right folks, this Full Moon features the first of many lunations that will co-star Pluto, now that it’s in Aquarius. The Full Moon in Leo is a time when we may feel prompted to release feelings of pride, shame, and confidence that may cloud our perspective as parts of a greater collective. When or how have fears of shame or humiliation led you to react defensively to protect your ego? What feelings can you shed so that you become empowered to authentically express your feelings?
While Leo Full Moons do encourage us to acknowledge and celebrate our individuality and nature as creative beings, they also ask us to release the ways we’ve sought an audience to validate our emotions. With the copresence of Pluto, the themes run deep and feelings may dramatically flare. This lunation seeks to help us identify blindspots in our confidence and fill the gaps in our care with powerful and radical self acceptance.
January 26th gives us the last piece of a cycle that’s been playing out for several weeks when Mars and Mercury come back together for a heated debate. This time the hot topics revolve around how to take practical action toward exacting success. Harsh arguments or disagreements, verbal attacks or challenges, relentless messages all kind of capture this energy. Once again, Capricorn is all about results, so whatever obstacles in communications arise at this time, the impulse may be to systematically tear the details apart with little regard for hurt feelings. This configuration provides ample mental energy and agility, so rather than critically and compulsively spinning your wheels in an argument, try deliberately directing it toward an achievable but mentally vigorous task. Spreadsheets, tackling tech issues, working on program content, sorting through admin work are just a few ideas to help you channel this intensive energy in constructive ways.
Also on this day, the Sun in Aquarius will square Jupiter in Taurus, signaling that we may be feeling a bit overzealous, or perhaps even a bit righteous, in proclaiming our perspectives. While this definitely can signal a hunger for growth, expansion, and confidence, it’s important to remember that the square nature of the connection can incline us toward overdoing it or overpromising. Getting excited about the broad potential of new ideas is definitely encourageable, but just remember that despite best intentions, it’s important or remember to only agree to what you can realistically hold space for. Especially since there’s such a heightened mental energy happening simultaneously, it could be easy to burn out. Just remember to drink some water.
Additionally on the 26th, Uranus, Rebel and Genius, stations direct in Taurus, even further accentuating an undercurrent of change, reform, and progress to the atmosphere. Uranus’s direct station may bring a few sudden or unexpected surprises in the realms of resources, sustainability, and stability. Mars and Mercury both make a trine to Uranus as it stations, so this signals that we’re open to making changes toward steady, stable, predictable progress.
Lastly, on January 28th it appears we get a lovely and hard earned reward for our patient efforts. Venus in Capricorn will trine Jupiter in Taurus, while also making a lovely sextile to Saturn in Pisces, who just so happens to also be making a sextile to Jupiter. If you got lost in the jumble there, allow me to translate that for you: the vibes are good! This sort of multifaceted configuration (which also harmoniously includes the Moon in Virgo!) indicates that there’s a potent flow of faith, balance, order, and care. This energy is great for having stabilizing, emotional exchanges that strive toward purpose and fulfillment. Whether you’re taking care of important pieces of your projects, connecting calmly with clients, or finding a flow of steady creative inspirations, this energy is varied in its constructive capabilities. Things that may have felt rocky or wounded may receive practical and applicable TLC, aiding in both smoothing over rough edges and encouraging enduring progress.
And thar she blows, folks. The astrology of January 2024. Clearly the year is off to an interesting start. The undertones of change, progress, and shifts in power - both personal and collective - are already underway. This month it’s important to closely consider your relationship and attitudes toward success, control, authority, and order, as well as the way progress, change, and social consciousness provide blueprints for the future. It’s an important month for us all to consider how we figuratively and literally manage the moving parts in our lives, and to embrace unconventional perspectives as ways to break through the outdated systems that restrict us. Ready or not, 2024 is ready to get to work, and that means it’s time for us to get to work too.
Bounties & blessings,
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