January certainly started the year off on a productive foot! Many planets cleared old pathways and got themselves sorted out to break new ground. The tides of change are rising for us all, especially now that Pluto has crossed the threshold into the high-tech and futuristic backdrop of Aquarius. As February boots up, we continue to take steady steps toward our goals with proficiency while paving the way for innovation.
We arrive in February with the Sun (and Pluto!) in Aquarius, putting a spotlight on forward-thinking, liberation, and unconventional intellectual pursuits. Remember, the Aquarius parts of our chart are beginning a two-decade-long process of renewal, and February is an incredibly important month for us all to observe as we experience firsthand the profound depths Pluto will trigger while it evolves our relationships with revolution, community, technology, and innovation.
The first celestial movement of the month comes from our cosmic Messenger, Mercury, who has been getting caught up to speed in Capricorn, dictating plans, exchanging strategies, and organizing our efforts for long-term success over the past few weeks.
On February 5th, Mercury will leave the traditional conventions of Capricorn in the boardroom and instead begin busying itself with interests that may be more than a little out there. While Mercury is in Aquarius, remain open to new ideas, communications with important communities, or groups, and try to look at the big picture.
As Mercury enters Aquarius, it will make an immediate conjunction with Pluto, encouraging us to get curious and communicative about the depths of our perspectives. There may be some unexpected or unconventional news that crops up around this time, perhaps news that carries quite a bit of weight with it, so be prepared to pivot.
Remember, Aquarius likes to help us reform, revolutionize, and liberate, and with Pluto at the door to welcome Mercury, it signals to us that this could be an intense exchange (emails, texts, calls, conversations, etc…) that requires us to disconnect from our ego and remain objective. While Mercury is in Aquarius, we’re all gifted with a heightened sense of pattern recognition, and it could be that Pluto is here to make sure we don’t miss a beat as we sort through our thoughts, learn, and connect the dots on the collectives that hold power in our lives.
The following day, on February 6th, we are graced with quite a lovely sextile between Jupiter, Professor of the Skies, and Saturn, Headmaster of the Zodiac. Presently, Jupiter is pumping nutrients into the soil to help us expand our foundations in steady, stable ways, while Saturn is bending the rules and softening the structures to help us bring more unity to our efforts. This energy is an excellent opportunity to put flexible form to your hopes for growth.
There’s practical optimism radiating through the air at this time, which means this is a wise moment for making informed decisions that can help bring your aspirations toward manifestation. Whatever you’ve been working on organizing and maturing will receive a bit of a boon, so long as you’re able to strike a realistic balance, there’s plenty of grounded enthusiasm and security to go around. This configuration grants an ease of access when it comes to combining effort and optimism, which could result in favorable opportunities for success.
The day after, on February 7th, does ring the warning bell. Mars, the Warrior, moves into a tense square with Neptune, the Mystic. With so many notable movements happening in a short period, it’s worth mentioning that none of this energy is standing independent of the other influences. So while Mercury and Pluto have us digging deep for change, and Jupiter and Saturn are making a productive deal, Mars and Neptune give us a signal that we need to be very careful about the actions we take.
When Mars and Neptune get together in a tough aspect like a square, it can result in confusion around actions, unclear motives, or befuddling conflicts. This is not the best moment for taking definitive actions, however, it could be very useful in unleashing a wave of creative, constructive potential. It may be that certain rules or boundaries are being enforced that may not make much sense, but nevertheless, this can be a productive time for losing yourself in imaginative or even spiritual work so long as you recognize that a general air of fog may bog down progress as conditions shift into place around you.
On February 8th, the Sun will shed a harsh spotlight on Uranus, the Rebel, prompting what may for some feel like even more disruption and chaos. This energy is churning the status quo and asking us all to consider what breaking out of the stale, stagnant could look like. It may bring some sort of surprise, potentially for some of us, a breakthrough, though it may be uncomfortable at first.
Perhaps we realize that the resources or platform we work with need to change or get updated, however, it may feel like a challenge to accomplish. For some of us, this change of course may crop up in our groups, communities, or organizations, forcing us to have to work within limits we’d rather shatter. The positive side of this influence is that it does spur us to pivot and challenge our old perspectives, helping us to get a better, perhaps even more objective view toward liberating relationships with our resources.
Additionally, on the 8th, Venus, presently functioning as HR in Capricorn, will move to make a smooth, easy trine with Uranus, providing a few exciting, perhaps even thrilling, interactions with others. This is a nice complement to the square Uranus is receiving from the Sun presently, as this secures a supportive quality to relationships and resources. Doing things differently with people you care about may help to release the tension of change, perhaps providing an unlikely partner to help you tackle those tech problems.
February 9th brings us our first lunation of the month, the New Moon in Aquarius. This is going to be our first Aquarius lunation featuring Pluto amongst the ranks of planets, and we best get used to it since for the next 20 years, Aquarius lunations will play host to the Transformer. This New Moon is an important moment for setting intentions for the next 6 months that revolve around liberation, innovation, advancement, and collective efforts. Where in your life can you stand to be more objective, detached, and broad-minded?
This is going to be an absolutely prime time for beginning a process of true liberation from boulderous cycles that restrict us. Working with a greater awareness of the whole of your life and its place in the world is very inviting, especially if it helps you maintain an emotionally objective perspective on what it is you’re committed to changing and elevating over the next 6 months. Call in progressive visions, be a witness to your own powerful transformations, and set the intention to awaken to your own, perhaps surprising, potential.
The 10th features a brief but potentially tough moment when Mercury in Aquarius squares up with Jupiter in Taurus. Again, the pulse of mental progress seems to hit a snag against the predictable ground of principles. We may feel like the details just aren’t fitting into place for a day or so, but hang tight because any missing pieces will at least be made known. We could run up against some difficult conversations or ideas regarding the big picture that may require an abstract to work out.
After the New Moon, we do get a few days to simmer in the pot of the extensive movements of the bit of February. However, on February 13th, we can expect to have quite a moment as Mars, donning its spacesuit, launches into Aquarius, right into the outstretched arms of Pluto.
I have no doubt that for many of us, this will feel a bit like a punch to the gut. Mars is known to be quite an assertive, sometimes even aggressive, player, and Pluto doesn’t exactly take things lightly. Just as with Mercury, this is Mars’ first foray with Pluto in Aquarius. Mars tends to trigger and activate whoever it touches, so there’s a possibility this intense temptation to act will hit like a ton of bricks.
We may feel compelled to take extremely unconventional actions, perhaps even inadvertently (or intentionally) hitting a deep nerve that urges us to act on our impulses. Displays of power or even acts of rebellion may be accentuated, and if not mindfully routed, may have deep cutting results. Power struggles involving group dynamics or collective power may flare, and the desire for innovation, independence, and “doing things differently” will underline our drives.
Be mindful that over the next several weeks, we’ll collectively have little patience for limitations, traditions, or restrictions from authority or narrow-minded efforts. On a positive side, this energy can spark a powerful ripple of social mobilization toward progressive action or advancement. Transformative actions may be taken on information that is brought to the surface or revealed. Dynamic moves toward breaking down the status quo and securing liberation await, and if thoughtfully used, this energy could lend some magnetic heat to Valentine’s Day interactions.
We’re doing a rinse and repeat on February 16th when our fair Lady Venus joins the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and of course, the welcome committee that is Pluto, in Aquarius. Things are about to get even weirder as we get a stockpile of every personal planet (except the Moon) taking up residence in the strange, distant, and eclectic lands of Aquarius. Venus will be in Aquarius for the next several weeks, taking on the role of a distant admirer.
Our relationships may sway toward an objective or detached approach, and our collective tastes may veer eccentric, alternative, or perhaps odd. Venus is going to bring the love of perspective to the table, helping us to put our hearts into shared visions, group goals, and social identities that we seek to embrace. This is a great time for engaging with others from a holistic, open-minded, progressive way, maybe even making unexpected new contacts.
However, before she can gussy up the spaces of innovation, Venus too will be greeted straight away by Pluto, who remains hovering at the doorway of Aquarius. While the conjunction between Venus and Pluto may be less… how shall we say… volatile, it still has its own depths to plunge. While these two exchange whispers, we can expect to take a dip in the dark and distant reaches of the power we attach to our resources, stability, and relationships.
Prepare to uncover potentially surprising information when it comes to your perspective on relationships and stability. For some of us, topics of power and love may come starkly into view as we begin to transform and revolutionize what collective comfort means from a bird's-eye view. We may see an embrace of humanitarian efforts, or exciting new arts emerge over the next few weeks, as Venus strolls across the stars.
The same day, Mercury in Aquarius will make a square to Uranus in Taurus, peppering in a few messages that may be uncomfortably groundbreaking at best and “unhinged” at worst. This is a quick movement, but one that will certainly bring about more than one unexpected twist to our day.
It could be that some unexpected message catches you off guard, inspiring a deep dive into your relationships (as noted above) with new awareness. Perhaps a tech problem presents itself that shakes us to the foundations we’ve been renovating, or radical ideas may destabilize some of our resources. However, this configuration can send potent signals on what’s got to give in order to break free from convention and elevate our perspectives.
A couple of days later, on February 18th, the Sun will leave the commune of Aquarius and slip into dreamy, delicate Pisces. Pisces season this year may feel a little weird with so many planets maintaining position in Aquarius, however, that doesn’t impede on the imaginative, compassionate, vacillating waters of Pisces. While the Sun is in Pisces, we can expect focus to shift toward, well… more shifty things!
Dreams, fantasy, intuition, and empathy are all highlighted for us over the next few weeks, so don’t sleep on the undeniably transcendent currents that move our creative wills (or better yet, do sleep on it!). Embracing selfless love, willing sacrifice, and forgiveness are key cornerstones of this Pisces time period. However, be very mindful of any wanderings toward escapism or even delusion. Pisces is an extremely potent creative energy, but the lack of distinction can bring bouts of confusion. Surrender to the flow and let possibility be your guide.
On February 21st through February 24th, Venus and Mars give each other a shockingly long kiss, joining in a conjunction in Aquarius. A passion for change, freedom in relationships, and revolutionary acts of love may be extra pronounced at this time, prompting us to fight for peace. The urge to embrace unconventional relationships will be pronounced, as well as a strong desire for experimentation with those we care about.
This is fabulous energy to do something crazy that will put some sparks back into a relationship, however, it’s very important not to be too indulgent with resources. This configuration is happening closely square Jupiter in Taurus, so be mindful not to go overboard in your efforts to shake and liberate your relationships. Seek to find common ground with others based on shared visions or goals, perhaps social causes or humanitarian efforts. Stay adaptable and ready to pivot; it could be just the excitement you’ve been craving.
Our Full Moon in Virgo this month takes place on February 24th, happening in a relatively close opposition to Boss Guy Saturn in Pisces. This Full Moon really helps us to define the emotions we harbor around competency, efficiency, and service. Due to the opposition to Saturn (and a trine to Jupiter), we may be inclined to be a little extra critical of our inner critique, but this also provides a powerful channel to recognize and acknowledge where we can let go of nagging or nit-picking feelings that would be better suited to help us improve upon the hopes for growth that we’re looking to serve.
Virgo is a sign of service, determined to be helpful and useful, so this lunation is an important moment to consider where you can release worries, anxieties, or hesitations that may have boxed you into an obsessive state of worry. The invitation here is to let go and let flow, trust the process, and allow the details to fall into place (with a little help from your inner editor). Focus on what helps you feel most productive, useful, and pragmatic and give yourself just a little credit for the diligence of your commitment to improving over the last six months. Whatever you let go now will help to lighten your load so you can float more freely (and more definitively) in flow with the current.
February 25th and 26th are days of potential overindulgence as Venus, Procurer of Pleasures, and Mars, Active Pursuer, hit a sharp square with Jupiter, the Sagely Advisor. We’ve made it through more challenging aspects than this one (earlier this month, in fact), but when these planets come together, we tend to be a bit hard and loose with our boundaries around desires, comfort, and fun having. Not the worst of things if I’m being honest; however, this can result in overpromising oneself in an attempt to “do the right thing”.
On one hand, there could be a conflict of interests in partnerships and actions that stem from a difference in values and perspectives. Both Venus and Jupiter are associated with values, while Mars is more concerned with instant gratification. Venus and Mars in Aquarius value uniqueness and diversity, while Jupiter in Taurus seeks stability and traditional values. The square aspect may bring about a reassessment of personal values and a need to reconcile different perspectives through intentional initiatives. This could come through in multiple ways, of course, but primarily in tensions that may arise regarding resources, security, or relationships. Sometimes this aspect can read as blind optimism; again, not the worst thing, but we want to keep our eyes open as much as we can so we don’t overdo it.
Finally, on February 28th, we’ve got a medley of planets blending their powers together in Pisces. The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will all move into a conjunction with each other, really amplifying and churning the tides in soft Pisces. This is an important moment, as whenever any planet smooches the Sun, it’s thought to be a renewal and purification of their energy.
This conjunction with the Sun is called a cazimi, and we’re getting two at once here! What we can expect from this movement is some sort of idea, message, communication coming through loud (but maybe not entirely clear) regarding the structures, rules, and systems we live by.
Our imaginations are primed for potentials and possibilities at this time, and it’s highly likely that downloads, visions, dreams, and even daydreams, will somehow make their presence more acutely known. Structured planning, thinking, and imagining are top priorities at the end of the month, so do your best to listen to the whispers of your intuition, as there’s certainly discipline available to implement practical, though highly creative, plans.
Pisces is a watery and emotional sign, while Saturn brings a rational and disciplined approach. This conjunction between Saturn, the Sun, and Mercury encourages finding a balance between emotional understanding and logical thinking. It's a time to integrate both aspects for a holistic perspective that will allow us to bend reality more readily to our wills; just make sure you’re holding yourself accountable with integrity!
As you can see, February is a bustling month with tons of exciting (and potentially intimidating) new energy taking seed. It’s important to activate your inner scientist and look at what comes up in February as an experiment. It’s the first month where Pluto in Aquarius will be ready to receive the personal planets, which means it’s a month jam-packed with the uncovering of new perspectives and a strong urge for change and innovation on the deepest levels.
We get more than a spoonful of surprise, which gradually flows into dreamy spaces where reality and possibility set a framework to blend seamlessly. As the month rolls out, be sure to remember to touch base with your inner observer, embrace detachment as an invaluable tool, and be unafraid to veer off course and get a little weird.
Bounties & blessings,
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