Book a Cosmic Clarity Call

Birth Chart Bootcamp:
Astrology for Self-Alignment


Day 1 of our next signature 4 day intensive begins
Monday, June 10th,
from 1 pm EST - 3 pm EST.

Register for the event to receive access to recordings, meeting links, and other resources to help you along your journey through the stars.

Join us for the next
Birth Chart Bootcamp:
Astrology for Self Alignment

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Let’s be honest, curiosity has led us all to the horoscope column of magazines, blogs, or astrology apps. We’ve all seen jokes about pick up lines like “What’s your sign?” or “What’s your big three?” Perhaps we’ve even peeked at our star sign compatibility with that work crush. (Thanks, LinkedIn, for the birthday alert. We would’ve guessed big Leo energy too.)

Astrology. Is. Everywhere.
And it's waiting for you to leverage its power.

If you’re ready to unlock the secrets of the stars and align with your true self, then don't miss this free 4-day virtual intensive, Birth Chart Bootcamp: Astrology for Self Alignment.

In this workshop, we'll take you on a journey of self-discovery as we reveal how astrology can be a powerful tool for understanding yourself and your place in the world.

This workshop is perfect for spiritually curious individuals who are ready to take their self-development journey to the next level.

You'll learn the basics of reading and interpreting a birth chart, giving you a deeper understanding of your energetic blueprint and how to use it to align with your true self and path.

Whether you're a beginner or have dabbled in astrology before, you'll leave with a newfound understanding of how the stars can be a practical compass to guide you on your path of self-alignment.

I invite you to join me for a FREE live 4 day seminar starting at 1 pm EST - 3 pm EST on the 2nd Monday of every month, where I will introduce to you the sublime art of astrology.

In this seminar you will learn the basics on:

  • What astrology is
  • Theories on how it works
  • How it can be used as a tool our lives
  • The components in a birth chart
  • How to read a birth chart
  • The art of astrological interpretation
  • How you can begin leveraging astrology IMMEDIATELY

Join me on this 4 day excursion into astrology. Who knows, perhaps learning to harness astrology as a tool for growth and awareness will be one of the most transformational experiences of your life!

Can't make it live? No problem!
Register anyway to receive access to seminar recordings for 1 week!

Catch a preview of what you can expect and register for the workshop below!

Register for the workshop now!

Curious what to expect?

Consider this clip a preview of both the content and energy you can expect through the four day virtual bootcamp experience!

Ready to register and experience the energy first hand? Sign up below!


Don't wait for the next intensive! Start learning astrology at your own pace now!


While free access to recordings is granted the week of the workshop, you can always purchase the Birth Chart Bootcamp: Astrology for Self Alignment course and move through the material at your own pace.

This workshop is perfect for those who either can't make workshops live, can't wait for the next one to start, or want a permanent copy of the workshop!